My new website


This year I want to really push myself as a creator and, to make it official, I've launched a new website where I can show off the interviews I've done for TV, any films I make, and pretty much anything else that comes out of my head.

In Clips you can find short videos of my acting which I hope to update with some amateur stuff soon and perhaps more professional stuff later on.

In Writing you can find a full, totally edited and tested, one-act play available for you to download for free. The one crucial piece of feedback I got for it was that it needed a second act, hence the unusual way it's labelled, however, I do encourage you to download it, read it, and perform it should you feel the desire. If you like it and wish to give me some coin to help me along, you can do that with the Support button at the bottom of each page.

I'll be gradually filling this website up with more and more stuff. Please keep coming back for video clips, scripts, and blog posts.

Best, Chris.